Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 9: More superstition

More superstitions I grew up with:

If you drop a spoon in the kitchen, a child is coming to your house. A fork: a woman. A knife: a man. I still drop a fork on the floor and wonder who's on her way.

In the morning when you wake, never tell someone your dream until after you've eaten something, or else the dream will come true.

 If you sing at the table you'll marry a crazy man. If you get wet across the middle when you wash dishes, you'll marry a drunkard.

 If your right hand itches, you’ll find money. Left hand? You’ll lose money.

It’s good luck to accidentally put your shirt on inside out.

You spilled salt? Pour water on it. The shoulder throw thing isn’t a thing.


  1. >The shoulder throw thing isn’t a thing.

    What, the devil is not standing behind you?
