Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8: Superstition

My family has superstitions. They aren't spooky except when they come true. Of course this is a relative truth--some things were going to happen anyway. With my Ozark roots, most of the superstitions are ones that other people haven’t heard.Not like the black cat crossing your path or walking under a ladder. A new broom sweeps clean? It means that when you move, you have to buy (or make) a new broom or else the bad things from your old house will follow you.

 If you are walking two abreast and something comes between you (another person, a post) you have to whisper bread and butter under your breath or that thing that comes between you will become an argument.


  1. My friends Frances would always pull me around whatever was about to come between us when we were walking, She said it was only for objects, not people (I'm not that crazy, she said). She must not have known the "bread and butter" cure.
