Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11: Irish Stew

My first crockpot recipe with peas, lamb, potatoes, onion. Stir in parsley at the end. Better the second day. My maid of honor gave me the recipe when I visited back when she was single. Before we stopped being friends and started pretending to be friends. And now can never even be pretend friends.


  1. OK, this is another great post/food story full of intrigue.

  2. Wow, this made me realise that one of my friendships is actually a pretend-to-be-friends relationship.

    Also, Irish stew. mmmm

  3. That's a shame about your friendship. I've never made Irish stew, mostly because I don't cook with lamb. I have eaten it once or twice.

  4. At least you got a good recipe out of the friendship, although one always hopes for more.
