Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My World Part IX

My Zoom List (Also Google Meet, which is what we were required to use for school):

*My mom on mother's day with my siblings
*daughter's doctor
*daughter's counselor
*Boss' biweekly "staff meetings" which were actually just unneeded team builders
*"office hours" for my classes, which not a single student attended

*Summer school training
*Check out with school year boss
*Check out with summer school boss
*Two different school board meetings
*Blog friends from around the world

*One crafting coffee morning
*Three IEPs
*a twice-weekly summer school live lesson that one student attended each time
*daily meetings with summer school support staff while we waited for students who never arrived
*Two union meetings (much better than in person)

*Sweet open google meets with Leo's school friends throughout the spring and summer since the links never expire and he jumps on sometimes just to see if anyone is on, and sometimes they are. This also allowed for "sleepovers" during the school year with friends, including girls, while they played video games and talked to each other until after midnight and is the SINGLE MOST WONDERFUL thing about the quarantine. Leo is now friends with Lottie and Ada and Anya and so forth in a deeper way than he would have been without it.


  1. That's a lot of zooming. How wonderful that Leo has been able to develop cool friendships over the quarantine. And of course, my favourite of your others is the "Blog friends from around the world."

  2. It's an exhausting and wonderful tool!

  3. Much bigger than my (non-work) Zoom list. We all need to Zoom again. Maybe Helen will finally join us.
