Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 28 Choices

I don't like too many choices, too many objects, or too much of much of anything except good ice cream, whiskey, and sleep.

But choices are the worst.

I get the same thing at any given restaurant every time. Each place has its own dish--it's not like I always get the Cobb salad everywhere I go. But I find menus overwhelming and so I find my one thing and stick to it.

I have a beer hierarchy. Red ale, lager, iced tea. I have a hard time branching out. And I don't want any nonsense even if it's good nonsense because I want to be able to repeat it--no seasonal beers for me.

School choice made my head explode.

High school choice even more so.

Lord have mercy now my oldest is getting ready for college.

When I was looking for a house, I told my agent the geographical rectangle I was willing to live in, my price range, and she found me 6 houses. I picked one.

Too many choices hurts my heart and fills me with buyers remorse.


  1. This makes a lot of sense and I think I must be the same way. Choices make me anxious.

  2. I can relate. Though I do like choices, I don't like making decisions without plenty of information. I have a BIL who also needs information to make decisions, but then gets to confused. His wife and daughter have dubbed it Paralysis by Analysis.

  3. I think there is a Ted talk confirming that choice substantially lessens one's satisfaction with a decision.
