Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August 8: chickadee

It's the cutest little bird
she texts me describing
sends a blurry photo
asks me its name

Chickadee, I reply
silence follows and
I send it again

That's the dumbest name ever
she texts me I can hear
her voice blurting that out
and she simply decides

He's her sweet little friend


  1. OK, that made me laugh. And it's kind of true, the dumb name, because they are so badass. If they were way bigger, and you met them in a dark alley, you'd turn and get the hell outta there.

  2. I guess they are badass, but they're the only wild birds who have ever landed on my fingers. And somehow their call cheers me on winter days, more than any other.

  3. The idea of a badass chickadee is making me laugh. And got me to thinking about that cartoon where Tweety swallowed some sort of potion and became gigantic and thuggish.

  4. What would she have thought of the name Titmouse?

  5. One of the things I've always loved about IB's quarterly bird reports is the variety of crazy names. Chickadee is great. But a Bad-ass Chickadee sighting would be perfect.

  6. Chickadees are fearless. They must find it so frustrating to be considered adorable.

  7. And this is among the reasons I think they would kick your ass if they had opportunity.
