Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 30: How do you want me to do it

A Dada-ist-esque poem inspired by Helen but done by entering "how do you want" into a text message and letting the word guesser on my phone write the rest:

How do you want me to do it
again and it was so good
at the end of the month so I
will have a talk to me and I'll
get you the info on the couch with me to get a hold with them now

I am going out and about and what
time to meet up for lunch to see if
I don't get the same as last night but
it was not the best at what you have
done to me

I would have been there to get it to
work with the team to see if I
love it and it is not possible I can come
to your office to get a hold on my
account for a while but it is what it is I guess

You and your mom and your mom are going
well with the family for the holidays
so I can do the job and I have a lot to learn
to do the work for you guys for a second and then we will get the rest

For the rest of my life with me to get a hold
on the couch

And Bridgett....I am going to have it done by
the end of the day and I will be there for sure
but I think it will take me about an hour

to do that for you


  1. Fascinating what forms out of algorithms and the directions words go. Much better than dada clippings I think.

  2. Oh, we must all try this! The beginning reminded me of Captain & Tenille's "Do that to me one more time, once is never enough with a man like you."
